Top 10 Water Marble Nail Art Tutorials

Well, the marble technique in nail art is done by placing nail polish in a bowl of water and swirling the colors slightly, so that when you dip your fingers, you have a very cool-looking marble effect on your nails! It’s a lot easier than it sounds. Do not worry; Below is a list of tutorials to help you achieve the perfect marbled nail art.

Water Marble Nail Art Tutorials

1. Neon Marbled Nail Art:

What You Will Need:
  1. A bowl of water
  2. Orange nail polish
  3. Lime yellow nail polish
  4. Hot pink nail polish
  5. White nail polish
  6. Light blue nail polish
  7. Toothpick
  8. Cotton swab
  9. Nail polish remover
  1. Start in a bowl of water to add drops of nail polish.
  2. Add the different colored polishes in a concentric circle.
  3. Then use the toothpick to change the colors.
  4. Swirl them around until you are satisfied with the design and dip your fingers one after the other in the colors.
  5. Re-create the pattern in the water if it is insufficient for the nails.
  6. Use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to clean the area around the nails.
  7. Seal it with a top coat and you’re done!

2. Groovy Marbled Nail Art:

With most marbled nail designs you have to dip your nails into the water. This one is different. First, create the art, let it dry and cut it into sizes that fit on your nails. In this way, you can use them later!

What You Will Need
  1. Blue nail polish
  2. Pink nail polish
  3. Purple nail polish
  4. Scissors
  5. A bowl or cup of water
  1. Put the 3 nail polish colors in concentric circles in the water bowl.
  2. Use a toothpick and create lines in the pattern from the outside in.
  3. Wait for it to dry completely and place it on a paper towel.
  4. Cut them into pieces so they fit your nail. You can keep them in a cool, dry place and use them anytime!
  5. To use them, you need to paint your nails for the base white and apply a protective layer around the nails so they do not get messy, or you can easily remove them later with a nail polish remover.
  6. Place your cut out designs on the nail polish.
  7. Do this for all nails and clean the sides.
  8. Apply a coat of topcoat and you can start!

3. Under The Sea:

I’m pretty sure you’ve seen The Little Mermaid and if you do not know what to do this weekend! This nail art reminds me of the specific artwork we see in this movie. It’s damn sweet and very easy to reach.

What You Will Need
  1. Dark turquoise nail polish
  2. Light turquoise nail polish
  3. White nail polish
  4. Pastel blue nail polish
  5. Bowl of water
  6. Toothpick
  7. Tape
  8. Cotton swab
  9. Nail polish remover

  1. Paint your nails with the darkest shade of turquoise. This will serve as a basis.
  2. Wrap some tape around your fingers under your nails so it does not get too dirty when you dip it in the bowl.
  3. Apply the colors in the bowl with water and create gentle whirlpools.
  4. Dip your nails one by one into the bowl of water.
  5. Remove the tape.
  6. Remove nail polish residue with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  7. Seal it with a top coat and you’re ready to go!

4. Tiramisu Marbled Nails:

If you’re a dessert enthusiast, whether it’s cooked or eaten, you’ll definitely want to try it. The beautifully twirled brown, beige and white reminds me of a tiramisu, right? Oh shit, if I just look at it, I’m longing for something!

What You Will Need
  1. Dark brown nail polish
  2. Light brown nail polish
  3. Beige nail polish
  4. White nail polish
  5. Tape
  6. Toothpick
  7. Bowl of water
  8. Cotton swab
  9. Nail polish remover
  1. Paint your nails beige for the base.
  2. Tape your nails under the nail to prevent it from becoming too messy.
  3. Enter all nail polishes in a concentric circle as shown.
  4. Use a toothpick to draw 4 lines in and out.
  5. If you are satisfied with the design, dip your fingers in the bowl.
  6. The design should now be on your nails.
  7. Use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to clean the sides of your nails.
  8. Seal it with a topcoat.

5. Turquoise Nail Art:

Turquoise stones are one of the oldest stones known to humanity. It is a stone that was popular with shamans and talismans. It has always been used for protection, peace and healing. It is also very breathtaking. How about turquoise nails?

What You Will Need
  1. Turquoise nail polish
  2. Black nail polish
  3. Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle
  4. Nail polish remover
  5. Cotton swab
  1. Paint all your nails turquoise blue.
  2. In a bowl of water, add a few drops of black nail polish.
  3. Move the bowl to spread the nail polish.
  4. Then spray some alcohol into the bowl.
  5. It should look broken and separate as shown.
  6. Immerse your nails individually in the bowl.
  7. Clean nail polish that has got on your skin with some nail polish remover and a cotton swab.
  8. Seal your turquoise nail art with a topcoat and you’re done!

6. Marshmallow Marble Nail Art:

When I see soft colors like pink and white together, it reminds me of a pack of marshmallows. Delicious! A combination of white and light pink tastes not only good, but looks cute on the nails!

What You Will Need
  1. Light pink nail polish
  2. White nail polish
  3. Bowl of water
  4. Needle
  5. Tape
  1. Add drops of white and light pink nail polish into the bowl of water.
  2. Swirl around with a needle.
  3. Wrap your fingers around your nails so that you do not get nail polish on your skin.
  4. Then dip your finger in the bowl of water.
  5. You can make all nails or alternative nails. It all depends on you!
  6. Clean it with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  7. Finish with a topcoat.

7. Periwinkle Marble Nails:

This swirl of evergreen shades is perfect during the monsoon season. Even if it does not rain, it’s just a nice color combination that you can wear on your nails anytime of the year.

What You Will Need
  1. Bowl of water
  2. Periwinkle nail polish
  3. Blue nail polish
  4. White nail polish
  5. Nude nail polish
  6. Toothpick
  7. Bowl of water
  8. Cotton swab
  9. Nail polish remover
  1. Add drops of all colors except the blue.
  2. The blue is the last color in the middle.
  3. Whirl all colors with a toothpick in a random pattern.
  4. If you are satisfied with the design, immerse your nails in the bowl.
  5. Clean the skin around the nails with a cotton swab dipped in a nail polish remover.
  6. Seal it with a topcoat.

8. Spring Marbled Nails:

Pink, purple and blues! Mix these beautiful colors and you will get something worth to be noticed. I think that a combination of these colors is a super sweet look for spring!

What You Will Need
  1. Pastel pink nail polish
  2. White nail polish
  3. Pink nail polish
  4. Pastel purple nail polish
  5. Pastel yellow nail polish
  6. Bowl of water
  7. Toothpick
  8. Cotton swab
  9. Nail polish remover
  1. Start with a white base.
  2. In a bowl of water in concentric circles, add drops of nail polish.
  3. Pivot the colors lightly with a toothpick.
  4. Immerse your fingers one by one in the bowl of water.
  5. Clean the cuticle with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  6. Seal your work with a topcoat and you are ready for the beautiful spring weather!

9. That’s So 70s:

These colors look like something that comes directly from an outfit of the 1970s. This decade was the time for autumnal tones. Colors like purple, beige and avocado green have become so well established in this decade that they become a symbolic representative!

What You Will Need
  1. Mauve nail polish
  2. Dark green nail polish
  3. Beige nail polish
  4. Toothpick
  5. Tape
  6. Bowl of water
  7. Cotton swab
  8. Nail polish remover
  1. Start with white as the base.
  2. Cover as much skin as possible with tape around the nails so you do not have to tidy up much later.
  3. Add drops of nail polish one after the other.
  4. Use a toothpick to swirl all colors.
  5. Immerse your nails individually in the bowl.
  6. Remove the tape and clean it wherever necessary.
  7. Seal it with a topcoat.

10. Blue Marbled Nails:

A splash of white and swirls of blue! This nail art totally reminds me of the summer and the endless amounts of cold drinks. A nice glass of ocean blue sherbet? Please register me for this; Summer is coming!

What You Will Need
  1. Dark blue nail polish
  2. Light blue nail polish
  3. Pastel blue nail polish
  4. White nail polish
  5. Nail stamper
  6. Clear cling wrap
  7. Bowl of water
  8. Cotton swab
  9. Nail polish remover
  10. Toothpick
  1. Start with your nail base as white.
  2. In concentric circles, add drops of nail polish to the water dish.
  3. Use a toothpick to make the pattern as shown.
  4. Dip the nail stamp in the bowl.
  5. You should be able to see the pattern on the stamp.
  6. Remove the sides of the stamp with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  7. Stamp it on your nail and, if necessary, clean the sides of your nails.
  8. Seal the design with a topcoat.
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